NBEF 2014 Summer Grant Recipients

New Bedford Education Foundation (NBEF) is honored to sponsor the following Summer Programs for New Bedford Public Schools’ students. These programs engage up to 3,000 students, many from underrepresented populations.

Explore Your Environment (EYE), Trips For Kids, New Bedford – 90 students
Trips for Kids takes students on daily bicycle educational journeys throughout New Bedford and region. Students plan and execute adventures through an inquiry-based approach, discovering local resources.

Divas of Data, Northstar Learning Center – 20 students
NorhtStar Learning Center will partner with NB Public Schools, Ashley & Lincoln, to teach Elementary School girls how to write computer code for computer-based programs and games. Girls gain confidence AND learn skills.

Discovery Days, Buzzards Bay Coalition – 275 students
Buzzards Bay Coalition works with local non-profits summer camp New Bedford Public Schools’ students to conduct on-site hands-on science discovery learning programs, in mostly coastal, marine locations.

Multi-Cultural Dance for Pre-K, New Bedford Ballet – 25 students
New Bedford Ballet Foundation will run a one-week program with PACE Head Start preschool children where students learn about different cultures and traditions, including many dances associated with cultures.

Sailing Into Knowledge STEM, Community Boating Center, NB – 13 students
Thirteen students from under-represented communities in New Bedford will participate in the US Sailing REACH program, using sailing to teach STEM, including coastal environmental science, and celebrate NB resources.

Sea Lab Marine Science Education Center – 15 students
NBEF sponsored scholarships for New Bedford Public School students for the summer Sea Lab Marine Science enrichment program, running for six weeks. This is an academically serious Marine Science Summer Program.

Summer Camp, Friends Academy – 50 students
Friends Academy will partner with Alma Del Mar Elementary School, sponsoring 50 students in the academically rigorous Summer Camp program, including Teacher Training for Alma Del Mar Teachers.

Enhancing Summer STEM Experiences, Ocean Explorium – 500 students
Ocean Explorium will participate in the visit of the Charles Morgan whaling ship with the WOW traveling hands- on ocean science exhibit and programs, available free to students & families, at the dock near the Morgan.

New Bedford Art Museum ArtMOBILE – 2000 students
Travelling Art Mobiles visit New Bedford Public Schools’ students at various sites across the city. Students get access to the arts in their neighborhoods by visits to playgrounds, schools, parks, and housing authority sites.

Lloyd Center for the Environment, Boys & Girls Club Summer Program – 120 students
Partnering with the Boys & Girls Club and Dennison Memorial of New Bedford, LCE will provide on-site, hands- on environmental science programs for disadvantaged youth.

Shakespeare 4 Kids, Culture Park – 40 students
Working with teens in gang-prone neighborhoods of New Bedford, Culture Park partners actors with students to produce theatrical scenes from Shakespeare that promote anti-violence, tolerance, and collaboration.

Something Fishy, Whaling History Alliance – 48 students
Something Fishy runs 2, 1-week sessions that engage students in the history and the life of the waterfront, learning about history, fishing, boating, kayaking and hiking, all along the coastline of the NB harbor.

World Tour, YWCA Summer Camp – 66 students
YWCA girls study cultures through geography, climate, food, music, field trips, and a garden.