Educator Mini Grants 2014-2015

Renewable Energy and Life Cycles: This grant built on the Outdoor Classroom grant funded in the fall. Students studied biology, life cycles, through kit-based model building.

World Drumming: Drums were purchased to enable hands-on learning of music principles, performance skills, collaboration, and world culture.

Family Resource Library Center: This grant provided resources to purchase books for a lending library that will be used by parents and the community.

Ukulele Club: Ten instruments were purchased for a weekly after- school program that teaches performance and collaboration skills.

STEM Bridge Model: Two parallel grants paid for craft materials to be used in hands-on design and building of a model bridge.

Navigation New Bedford: Robotic Tool Students designed a tour and programmed a robot to tour New Bedford landmarks, with the tour then presented to lower grades.

Butterflies: Purchased caterpillar kits allow students to observe and engage in the life-cycle of caterpillars.

Expanding Technology: The accessing and use of internet resources are facilitated through the purchase of a document camera, which is especially helpful to visual learners.

Learning through Apps: This grant funded an iPad Mini, which was used by students to access on-line tutorials to build math and science skills.